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Frequently Asked Questions

Is there an application deadline?

The application for enrollment will start first of April. Completing the application does not guarantee enrollment. Candidates will be selected based on their academic performance, behavior, attendance, and school recommendation.

How much does it cost?

There is no cost for Johnson City Tennessee school district students. Tuition will apply to those living outside of the Johnson City Tennessee school district. 

Do you accept students from anywhere in Tennessee?

Yes, as long as you can prove that you live in the first region of the state of TN. Tuition will apply to those living outside of the Johnson City Tennessee school district. 

What grades does JCVA serve? 

We serve students in grades 5-12. 

Do students receive a diploma?

Yes, students receive a TN state diploma (22 credits) or an official JC Virtual School diploma (28 credits)  depending on credits earned. 

Does JCVA have a graduation ceremony?

Yes. The JCVA will conduct a graduation ceremony for their students. JCVA Seniors will need to pick up their cap and gown packages at JCVA.

Are you a credit-recovery program?

No, we don't offer credit recovery. 

I am coming from a school that is on a year-long schedule.  How does that affect my credits?

If enrolling in August, this should not affect your credits much. The counselor will meet and discuss your options with you, if accepted. If enrolling in January, the student will be given a schedule similar to what they were taking at their previous school. The student cannot transfer over half-credits in the middle of the semester. The entire credit must be earned at either the previous school or at JCVA.

Can students learn at their own pace?

With limits. We have weekly deadlines students must meet for attendance purposes. 

How many courses can students take a year?

Students can take three additional credits per school year. 

Are you a homeschool program?

No, we are a public school. 

What curriculum do you use?

All of our curriculum is created by licensed TN teachers who teach for Johnson City Schools. We follow the Tennessee State Standards. 

Do students have to show up in person?

Yes, students must show up in person to take TNReady/ End of Course and ACT/SAT tests. These tests are required in order to remain a student at JC Virtual School.

What software do you require?

We provide Chromebooks free of charge to the students. 

Do you offer accelerated courses?

No, we do not. We believe that our courses are too rigorous to be accelerated and still help the student have a happy, healthy life outside of school.

If I attend JCVA, will I be eligible for the HOPE Scholarship or TN Promise? 


Will I be able to participate in JROTC, Band, Orchestra, or Chorus? 


Who do I contact if I have more questions about JCVA or the application process?

Mr. George Laoo, Principal

Phone: (423) 928-0380

Dr. David Timbs, Supervisor of Secondary and Instructional Technology

Phone:  (423) 434-5200

What courses will be offered?

Johnson City Virtual Academy reserves the right to change curriculum and class offerings as needed. The following list is a guide to help students during the registration process, it is not a guarantee that individual courses will be offered.  If changes occur in the Program of Studies, students will be informed during registration or at the beginning of the next school year.  Changes in staff and final budget approval may limit or change course offerings.  A course also may be dropped if too few students request the class.

Advanced Placement




Social Studies

AP Human Geography English 1 Algebra 1 Ecology World History & Geography
AP Psychology English 1 (H) Algebra 1 (H) Biology US Govt. & Civics
AP Environ. Science English 2 Geometry Biology (H) Economics
AP Computer Science English 2 (H) Geometry (H) Chemistry  
AP Statistics English 3 Algebra 2 Chemistry (H)  
AP Computer Science English 3 (H) Algebra 2 (H) Human Anatomy & Phys  
AP English Language & Comp. English 4 Calculus 1 Earth and Space Science  
AP English Literature & Comp. English 4 (H) Calculus 1 (H) Macro-Biology  
    Bridge Math Physics  






Physical Education

Fine Arts



CTE Cont.

Lifetime Wellness Visual Art 1 Spanish 1 Health Science Education Introduction to Business & Marketing
Physical Education Visual Art 2 Spanish 2 Medical Therapeutics Marketing and Management 1
Personal Finance                                Theater Arts 1  Spanish 3 Anatomy & Physiology Principals Adver. & Public Relations
  Theater Arts 2                    Spanish 4                            Industry Certification: OSHA 10  
      General Industry  




Last Updated: October 25, 2021