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Johnson City Virtual Academy

George Laoo, Principal

JCVA Est. 2021

820 West Market Street

Johnson City, TN 37604

Phone: (423) 928-0380

Fax: (423) 928-0557

Virtual Academy is a stand-alone virtual school for grades 5-12 whose staff has made a commitment to fostering forward-thinking, passions, developing productive citizens, and preparing for tomorrow’s opportunities. To guide us in our efforts to become the best we can be, we have developed the following mission, vision, and belief statements for our school:



Develop, equip, and graduate all students with the knowledge and skills necessary to follow their chosen path in life.


To be significant in the lives of our students and our community.

We believe

  • …the first priority of our school staff is to provide a safe, orderly, and welcoming environment for all students.

  • …all students can learn, grow, and make progress.

  • …great effort and a positive attitude are keys to a successful learning experience.

  • …it is our duty to foster the complete growth and development of each student’s personal and academic potential.  We are committed to rigorous academic standards that ask for the best that each student can offer.

  •  …every member of our community has purpose, value, and voice.

  • …students achieve excellence in an environment where they share responsibility for their learning with teachers, parents, and community.

  • …reflection, self-evaluation, and continuous improvement are essential to learning and growing.

  • …the more connections a student can have to the school community, the better he/she will perform.

  •  …it is the duty of all staff to model the highest levels of professionalism.